Baby Shower Games, Planning Ideas, Gifts and more

Friday, September 09, 2005

3 New Games

Do You Know What It Is
Materials: 10-15 baby items, 10-15 small paper bags, writing utensil, paper for each baby shower guest.
Sort the baby items (q-tips, nail clippers, pacifier, etc.) into the paper bags (one item per bag) and number the bags 1-10 or 15. Give each guest a pad and pen and have them number 1-10 or 15 depending on how many bags you prepared and then hand out the bags randomly to the guests. Each guest or team at the baby shower will try to figure out what is in each bag based on what they can feel and/or hear (the bags can not be opened). The bags are passed around until everyone has had a chance to touch and write down their answers. The mother-to-be then opens each bag and shows it to the guests. The guest who gets the most correct gets a prize, if there's a tie they have to answer a question about the mother-to-be. For an added bonus, make a really hard item (shoulder pads, baby nail clippers) a bonus at the end; for the one who guessed it correctly gets a bonus prize (if there's a tie, have them answer a question about the mother-to-be). Contributed by visitor Craig.

Make A Baby
Materials: Small containers of play-dough
Each person at the baby shower is given a small container of play-dough and everyone has 5 minutes to create a baby (using just one container). Then each dough baby is placed on a plate and presented to the mother-to-be who then looks at each dough baby and decides who's she likes the best. The winner gets a prize.

Feed The Baby
Materials: Bib, baby spoon and baby food jar for each couple that are chosen
The object was to be the first to feed a jar of food to your partner. Baby shower participants are broken up into two person teams. One teammate is given a bib and the other is given a tiny spoon. When the mother-to-be says go, begin feeding the participant who is the "baby". The first baby shower team to finish the jar wins. You will laugh hysterically as one of our visitors Myrtis told us! Enjoy the game!