Baby's First Food Game
Materials: Salad Bowl, Cotton Balls, Big Salad Spoon
Set up a salad bowl in the middle of a table and empty out two bags of cotton balls, spreading them out around the bowl. Blindfold the first baby shower guest and ask her to sit near the bowl with a big spoon and see how many cotton balls she can spoon into the bowl in 3 minutes. It's hilarious! Since you can't feel the weight of the cotton balls, you don't know what you're doing. Whomever gets the most in the bowl wins!
Name That Baby Tune
Materials: CD Player or Cassette PlayerJust like the popular game "Name That Tune", you can play the same game with baby songs. See which baby shower guest can guess the baby song the quickest. The person at the baby shower that guesses the most baby songs the quickest wins! Fun to also play in teams and keep score!