Baby Shower Games, Planning Ideas, Gifts and more

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Winter Baby Shower

It's time to party for the baby shower - Winter Wonderland style! - This festive party time makes a great theme for any baby shower since there are so many things you can do to tie in the Winter season to the theme of the baby shower. A few ideas are to use the theme of "winter" where you play games like "Pass the Baby Snowman" (like hot potato but with a snowman doll that can be given to as a baby shower gift after), listen to the Season's music (Winter Wonderland) and place items that coincide with snow such as icicles, snowballs, snowflake cutouts. A great baby shower game to play is Motherly Advice where everyone gives the Mommy-To-Be some pointers on cutout snowflakes which can be placed on the walls during the party for everyone to read or placed in a memory box that can be decorated with winter colors (blue, white, etc).

Decorations can be purchased for Winter at any party store or you can make them. Cups, place settings and other items can also have the winter season theme on them as well as wall decorations. Use blue, white and purple cool colors. The tying in "warmth" can still be done by having a fireplace actually lit or on a cutout.

As stated above, a great baby shower game to play is to have everyone write a message for the mother and father to be on a snowball or snowflake and present them to the mother to be by placing them in a keepsake box. Have the mother to be read each one out loud as she takes them out of the box which makes for a sentimental and funny time.

There are so many ways to tie in the them of winter into the baby shower. We also have tons of other ideas throughout the site and hope you enjoy our information. Have a great time at the upcoming party and we hope to help out in your planning with In one week we will update our ideas to Christmas, Hanukah and Kwanzaa. Check out our baby shower games and themes page for many more ideas.

Monday, November 20, 2006

The etiquette of baby showers, out-of-town weddings

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Thelma Domenici

Dear Thelma: My son's girlfriend of five years is pregnant. They eventually will be getting married, probably after the baby is born. She has asked me to have a shower for her and I gladly said yes. Now a co-worker has said it is inappropriate for a grandma to give a shower. Who is right?

A: Contemporary etiquette does allow family members to host showers in celebration of the new life. You can feel perfectly correct in doing so.

There was a time when it was not considered proper for a family member to host a shower. Because the point of a shower is to provide the honoree with gifts, it appeared self-serving if an immediate family member hosted. However, those ideas, and the rules along with them, have changed. Enjoy hosting the shower and the new grandchild.

Q: My son will be getting married out of town where his fiance's family lives. I know that very few of our family members and probably none of our friends will be able to attend the wedding. Therefore, we plan to have a celebration locally, sometime after the wedding, to introduce the couple to our friends in town.

This celebration may be six to eight months after the wedding because of their school schedules.
Our family and closest friends will be invited to the wedding, regardless of whether they are expected to attend. However, I'm unsure of whether to invite our local friends to both the wedding and the later celebration, or if they should just be invited to the later celebration. What is the proper etiquette in this situation?

A: If it's within your means to do so, I believe that all of them should be invited to both celebrations. Even if they cannot attend, people enjoy hearing firsthand of the blessed event and the honor of a wedding invitation.

Make it clear by the wording and style of your second invitation that this event is an introduction and not a second, very-late wedding reception. Present the celebration as a time to gather together and enjoy the company of the newly married couple. If it is not made clear, guests may feel it necessary to bring gifts as they would at a reception, which shouldn't be the purpose of this gathering.

Any gifts wedding guests choose to give should be given as close to the time of the wedding as possible.

Gracious hosting and good manners never go out of style.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Dress The Baby

Materials: Baby life-size dolls, onsies, diapers, socks, shoes, shirt and pants for each baby doll and stopwatch)
Have each team race to see who can dress the baby doll the first. Each person (or team) must have everything correctly on the baby doll when saying finished. Points docked for missing articles or articles not placed on right. A really fun game and a great way to collect some clothes for the mother to be at her baby shower when the game is finished.