The Price Is Right
Materials: Printed pictures of baby shower gift items, pens, index cards
Break all baby shower guests into teams and show them baby shower gift items without a price. Have each team write down their answer for each product on index cards, giving them four possible prices for each item. The team with the most answered right wins.
Water Breaks
Materials: 1" plastic baby figures, balloons, water
This is a great baby shower game ideally for outdoor showers, considering it may get a little messy. Take 8-10 dark colored deflated balloons and squeeze an artificial baby inside. In one of the balloons, put two babies in a single balloon (twins). Put that balloon inside a bigger inflated balloon with some water. Guests will have to find creative ways to pop the balloon (considering they will get a little wet) to find out if they have the twin baby balloon. The guest with the winning balloon gets the prize. Great game especially for mothers to be carrying twins or multiples!