Baby Shower Games, Planning Ideas, Gifts and more

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Diaper Dilemma

Materials: different foods and liquids and pack of diapers

Take several baby diapers and spread different types of food or drink on them (that makes them look like "soiled" diapers). Use items such as peanut butter, soy sauce, apple butter, chocolate frosting, spicy mustard, apple juice/grape juice, brown gravy, mashed avocado, dark syyrup, coffee/tea, chocolate pudding, get the idea. Each person must sniff the diaper and guess what the "offending" substance is. The person with the most correct guesses wins.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Baby Shower Winner Takes “All”

Materials: All Detergent, Money in change and paper, Large Jar

Fill a glass jar with money before guests arrive (change and dollar bills). When the baby shower guests arrive, pass th jar around for the guests add more money in the jar. Later, have guests guess how much money is in the jar. The person who guesses closest to the dollar amount wins ALL! (a gift bag containing ‘ALL’ detergent, that is). Take a picture of the winner’s face when they learn they are not getting money, but laundry detergent. The mommy-to-be ends up with the jar of money!