The Fairy Virtues
Materials: Index cards and pens
Based on the "Sleeping beauty" activity, you tell that each guest is a fairy and that we will all grand one virtue to the baby. Print some cards where it has the name of the virtue, and leave a space so the person can write their own name and next to it, and the definition of the virtue. Each guest will pick one, write their name and in the back of it, they would write something personal to the baby/mom/family related to the virtue they picked. This can be placed in a baby shower photo memory album where the mommy-to-be can also take pictures next to each baby shower guest.
The Liars Club
Materials: unique baby shower gift small items, index cards, pens
Nowadays there are a lot of new and innovative gadgets for kids and even new moms cannot know all the stuff out there. Go to any baby shower store and you can find unique baby shower gifts. In this game follow the instructions below:
Step 1: You pick 4 - 8 different unique baby objects (fabric sling, ball holding cheerios, the thing to put fruit so the baby can suck through the holes, the medicine dispenser syringe, the "roll in the forehead" thermometer, anything weird looking stuff)
Step 2: You (previous) to the shower, select three baby shower guests to present the products to the other guests, they would prepare what they're going to say (you can give them a short script). Two would lie and one would say the truth for each product of what it actually does.
Step 3: You had given in advance a sheet to the guessers so they can write down who they think it's telling the truth for each product (it can be done by table)
Whoever gets the more right answers wins.
Pregnancy Art Prints
Materials – Art Bellies Kit, newspaper or floor covering, paint, canvas
A very cute baby shower game that also makes a great baby shower gift is to paint the mommy’s tummy silhouette. The easiest and best way to do this is to purchase an Art Bellies Kit or you can make your own with canvass, paints and the mommy to be. You will have a great time and give a memorable gift that everyone can help create!F
Fertilized Egg Hunt
Materials: Plastic Easter eggs, tiny plastic baby, other small little fun gifts that would fit in the Easter Eggs
Lay Easter eggs around the baby shower venue and have one or a few of the eggs filled with tiny plastic babies and the rest of the eggs filled with other items. Have the baby shower guests each find one egg and whoever finds the egg(s) with the baby inside wins. This would be especially fun if there were children involved at the baby shower.