Lots of Baby Shower Games
Baby Shower Word Scramble - (Materials: Printout and pens) – This baby shower game favorite is easy to play at any shower. It is an easy and fast baby shower game to play. Limit the time to only 3 minutes which will place some time pressure to see how many words your baby shower guests can descramble.
Baby Shower Guess The Present – (Materials: Paper, Tape, Pens) – A fun game for everyone at the baby shower to participate in. Have each of the baby shower gifts numbered. At lunch time, have the mommy-to-be open her baby shower gifts and let everyone with a paper and pen guess what is in each gift before it is opened (other than their own gift). It is fun to see how many people get it right by the size of boxes, sounds the present makes prior to opening, etc. An easy baby shower game to play anywhere.
Feed the Piggy – (Materials: coins, piggy bank, stopwatch) - Get $15-20 worth of coins and hide them around the room for a hide and seek type of baby shower game. The guest who finds the most (by weight) wins a special prize and the coins go into a piggy bank for the newborn child. The twist is that the guests can "cheat". Meaning they may add to their pile with whatever coinage they have on hand (purse, pocket, car etc.) That part is optional but no one is left out.
Baby Shower Thank You Card Draw – (Materials: Thank you cards and envelopes, pens, bag) - . Once the baby shower attendees arrive, give them each an envelope (that goes with the baby shower thank you cards you purchased) and have them write their name and address on it. Put them is whatever you would like and draw an envelope for a baby shower prize. Now momma to be has all the name and addresses and can send out Thank you cards more easily!
Baby Shower Story Time – (Materials: baby shower favors or baby shower gifts) – During the baby shower, give the mommy-to-be some baby shower favors or gift items (unwrapped) and let her know that she will have to start becoming a good story teller for her new bundle of joy. Have her make up a story to the group, using the favors or gifts in the story. This would be for a mommy-to-be that does not get easily embarrassed but really fun to play. Maybe have others who are willing, join in and create the baby shower story.
Baby Shower Storybook – (Materials: pens, pencils, scissors, markers, stapler, tape, glue, stickers) – A fun baby shower game and project is to have all the baby shower guests pitch in and create a story book. Each can create a page of the story as they all work together in first writing a simple fun story that can be personalized. Have some great creative group members illustrate the story and have everyone else color in the book. You can also take pictures of everyone at the baby shower and glue it on the last page as a great memory for the parents-to-be. An original baby shower game and project from baby shower 101.