Baby Shower Games, Planning Ideas, Gifts and more

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Baby Shower Memory Game

Materials: clothesline, clothespins as well as items like baby bottle, pacifier, bib, receiving blanket, shoes, socks, hat, gloves, baby pin, teddy bear, rattle, onesie, sleeper, picture frame to hang up on the clothesline.
Hang up a clothesline with all the different baby items. Have two people hold up the line for 1 minute and then take the line down (hide it) and have everyone write down every item they can remember (from memory). Give everyone 3 minutes to write down as many items as they can remember. Bring out the line again and see how many everyone got from their memory. An easy and fun baby shower game! Thanks to viewer Carol for this idea!

Pregnant for a Day Co-Ed Game

Materials: Bag of medium balloons, a roll of yarn cut into approx. 20 inch pieces, and a chair for each male participant.
Don't tell the object of the game up-front. Make a statement to the women in attendance-- "How many of us women wished that men could be pregnant just for one day?" This statement will leave the men full of suspicion as to what was about to unfold. Hand each man a balloon. For each man that doesn't have on shoes with shoe laces, tie the piece of yarn around each of his slip on shoes to mimic a shoestring. Do not form the bow. Only make a knot to help keep the yarn around the shoe. For those who do have on string up shoes, instruct them to untie their shoes.

Instruct each man to blow up his balloon and tell each man when to stop filling it with air. The balloons should be filled with enough air that it could fit under each participant's shirt, yet be a bit uncomfortable for them to sit down and tie their shoes without popping the balloon. Keep in mind that men who already have a "pot-belly" might need to blow up a smaller balloon. Give the object of the game and the rules. Start the game and whoever ties their shoes without popping the balloon, or lifting their feet from the floor wins. You'll see husbands, cousins, boyfriends come up with such creative ideas as how to attack this difficult task. Naturally, you get a roll of laughter from the baby shower guests as they watch this hysterical event and the men will get to see what it's like to be pregnant for a day!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Baby Scrapbooking

Have all the girls either meet at a house or a scrapbook store for the baby shower festivities. Each baby shower guest can make a page for a photo album that you present to the mommy-to-be. This is a creative way and a personalized way to offer the new parents something they can use and show forever. As soon as their are pictures to add, the mommy-to-be will be reminded what her and her friends created at the baby shower!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Whose Water Breaks First

Materials - Medium size plastic babies, Clear disposable cups that will fit the plastic babies
Prior to the day of the baby shower, fill each of the cups with water enough to cover the plastic baby toys at least halfway (since they may float). Place the cups in the freezer until frozen stiff (you need to prep the night before). The day of the baby shower party, give a cup to all the women who attend the shower as they arrive. Whoever can melt the water the quickest or their water breaks gets the prize. The baby shower attendees can try to melt by blowing hot air on it or putting it in the sun (everything goes, let them get creative). It's a game that everyone can play!

Who Sucks The Best

Materials: baby bottles with nipples all the same size, favorite drink or drink of choice for the group and timer.
This baby shower game is a riot since it involves those who are participating to drink out of baby bottles and race to see who can finish the first. It is fun to time everyone and see how long it takes for everyone to finish. Have teams and race in groups with each group having a winner that moves up to the final. Also a great baby shower game to play if the baby shower is co-ed. Have the men of the group race to see who can win for their wives/girlfriends. One of our visitors to the site state they used Beer (sober driver please) as the drink for the men. Have a great time.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Baby Shower Photo Ideas

Planning a baby shower needs to include making sure you take lots of photos since it is one of the last times the Mommy-To-Be will officially will be photographed at a party with her cute tummy. We have included some great ideas to make the baby shower recorded in photographs as a memorable time that the baby-to-be can experience through pictures when they are old enough to understand. Below are our ideas and tips that may help in planning out what to photograph at the baby shower:

General Tips

Prior to the party starting, take pictures of everything - baby shower decorations, food, signs, gifts and room so the Mommy-To-Be can see how cute everything was before the party started. Remember that the Mommy-To-Be may be focused on the people and not realize how nice everything was until she looks at the pictures.
  • For film cameras - Make sure you have plenty of film and extra batteries for your camera. If your camera has a timer or remote you can use it while posing for the picture. If not, see if one of your guests or neighbors will snap the picture for you.
  • For digital cameras - Make sure you have and extra batteries and a spare flash card or two. Take as many pictures as you can, so you have a better chance of getting a good one.
  • When taking a group picture, have everyone move in as close together as possible before taking the picture. The closer you can get to your subjects the better. So, either move closer to your subject or use the zoom.
  • Try to take pictures of people at eye level.
  • Use of a tripod helps a lot, and keeps the camera steady.
  • Position your subjects so they are illuminated by the best light source in front of them, not behind them.
  • Be sure to select the best white balance setting for your camera based on the light source.
  • Back-lit people don't come out very well and are difficult to see pictures.
  • If you do use the flash make sure you are within its effective range, typically between six to twelve feet, depending on your camera.
  • People & Group Photos

    Make sure you take many pictures of the Mommy-To-Be when from the moment she enters the party till being the last one there. Make sure the primary person who is taking the pictures is there before the Mommy-To-Be gets to the baby shower. Some of our favorite ideas of taking pictures of the Mommy-To-Be are:

    • Take a photo of her at the door entering the baby shower - A great beginning shot
    • Every game the Mommy-To-Be is playing is a great time for a photo.
    • Take a picture with her family members alone and in a group
    • Get a group picture with everyone present at the baby shower
    • Get some action photos of the Mommy-To-Be eating and holding her tummy
    • Always be ready to get a few of her laughing...You may have to be fast about this.
    • Make sure to get a picture of the Mommy-To-Be opening up all her wonderful gifts. There are always a few gag gifts that are funny to catch with a picture.
    • If her husband or partner shows up, it is great to get them in a few together. A great one is for the partner to be listening to her stomach with their ear to her tummy.
    • A cute picture is to have her at the end of the day take her shoes off and sit in a chair with her feet up fanning herself like she is ready to have the baby!

    These make a great addition to the baby shower photo album or scrap-book which the Mommy-To-Be and her family will enjoy. As for taking pictures of the baby shower guests, here are a few helpful tips below:

    • Make sure to get people close together so everyone fits in group photos.
    • Make sure you have a photo taken of everyone present that is there. It is fun later for the Mommy-To-Be to see who was present at her baby shower a few months or years later when she goes through her album.
    • As the photographer. Be in as many pictures as you can since you may forget and take all the pictures with you in none of them which would be sad
    • Remember, pets are part of the family too. So, if the Mommy-To-Be has pets, be sure to take some pictures of them. It is fun for the child to see later that her Pet or his/her parent's pet was there for the festivities.

    Baby Shower Scenes

    Since most of your pictures will be shot at night, its important to remember a few basic rules.

    • When taking pictures of decorations, be sure to hold the camera very steady or use a tripod to avoid any movement.
    • For most pictures that are indoors or at evening baby shower events, you will want to turn on the flash on your camera.
    • For events during the day that are outside, you will want to turn off the flash as they only light things up a short distance from the camera, usually five to ten feet.
    • Use a high speed film such as ASA 400 or if using a digital camera, set the ISO to 200 or 400.
    • Try to experiment before the Baby Shower to figure out the best setting for your particular camera.

    Mommy-To-Be's Current Children

    If the Mommy-To-Be has current children, it is a great idea to take pictures with her children at the baby shower. Get some cute ones of her child or children around her opening gifts, with her child(ren) listening to her tummy or with their hands on her tummy. Another cute picture is them talking to the tummy. These are great and memorable pictures that her child(ren) will love as they get older and look through the baby shower photo book.

    I hope these baby shower photo tips are helpful. We would love to hear from you with other tips and ideas as well as if you want to send in your favorite baby shower photo that we may use on the site. Have a great baby shower!

    Monday, November 07, 2005

    Diaper Doo Game

    Materials- Small pieces of white material that can be folded into small diaper lapels, safety pins, one small piece of chocolate
    As guests arrive, pin a small diaper to each on their lapel. Tell them they will be told later what it's about. At the end of the party ask everyone to remove their diaper and open them up. One person should have a "special surprise" inside. The melted piece of chocolate!

    Purse Scavenger Hunt

    Materials- Each guests own purse/handbag
    Can be played in teams if someone arrives without a purse or handbag. A preprinted list is handed out to everyone with various items normally found it ladies bags and items rarely found in them. Example-the invitation to this shower, an overdue utility bill, any form of birth control, key chain with a baby picture, picture of a pet, expired voters registration card, grocery list, grocery receipt with toilet paper purchase. . .be creative and watch women go crazy empting out their personals for all to share! Assign a point system. Grocery list may only be worth one point, where a baby rattle is worth 10!