Baby Shower Memory Game
Materials: clothesline, clothespins as well as items like baby bottle, pacifier, bib, receiving blanket, shoes, socks, hat, gloves, baby pin, teddy bear, rattle, onesie, sleeper, picture frame to hang up on the clothesline.
Hang up a clothesline with all the different baby items. Have two people hold up the line for 1 minute and then take the line down (hide it) and have everyone write down every item they can remember (from memory). Give everyone 3 minutes to write down as many items as they can remember. Bring out the line again and see how many everyone got from their memory. An easy and fun baby shower game! Thanks to viewer Carol for this idea!
Pregnant for a Day Co-Ed Game
Materials: Bag of medium balloons, a roll of yarn cut into approx. 20 inch pieces, and a chair for each male participant.Don't tell the object of the game up-front. Make a statement to the women in attendance-- "How many of us women wished that men could be pregnant just for one day?" This statement will leave the men full of suspicion as to what was about to unfold. Hand each man a balloon. For each man that doesn't have on shoes with shoe laces, tie the piece of yarn around each of his slip on shoes to mimic a shoestring. Do not form the bow. Only make a knot to help keep the yarn around the shoe. For those who do have on string up shoes, instruct them to untie their shoes.
Instruct each man to blow up his balloon and tell each man when to stop filling it with air. The balloons should be filled with enough air that it could fit under each participant's shirt, yet be a bit uncomfortable for them to sit down and tie their shoes without popping the balloon. Keep in mind that men who already have a "pot-belly" might need to blow up a smaller balloon. Give the object of the game and the rules. Start the game and whoever ties their shoes without popping the balloon, or lifting their feet from the floor wins. You'll see husbands, cousins, boyfriends come up with such creative ideas as how to attack this difficult task. Naturally, you get a roll of laughter from the baby shower guests as they watch this hysterical event and the men will get to see what it's like to be pregnant for a day!
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