Pass the parcel/gift
Materials: baby shower gift (one for mother to be), newspaper, gags, several instruction stickers which are blank stickers that you will create, a baby doll with diapers and sippy cup, blindfold, rubber glove, oversized tongs, bib)
Wrap a gift with around 10 or more layers of wrapping paper and add an instructional sticker to each layer (see below for some ideas). Some of the stickers should say, "GAG" which means the baby shower participant has to do whatever the gag states (see ideas below). Pass the parcel/gift without music but according to instruction stickers stuck on the outside of the gift. So the package may say: pass the gift to someone wearing pink. That person wearing wearing pink then takes off a layer of packaging. They may receive a prize, a gag, or just the instruction of who to pass to next. Keep going until the final wrapper which has a sticker stuck on it saying "pass this to the mother to be" and have a gift for mother or baby.
Some of the ideas for the gags may read: (or think up some creative ones yourself):
"Oh no! Baby has just pooped. Change his diaper blindfolded within 30 sec and win a prize" Then have the guest complete the activity.
"Oh no, baby's hungry. Have the guest drink a cup juice/milk through a sippy cup within the time limit.
"Oh no, baby's bored. Sing them your favorite nursery rhyme"
"Oh no, poopy diapers in need of soaking! Lift tissues (the dirty diapers) from one bowl to the other using rubber gloves and oversized tongs while blindfolded. If they all land in the new bowl then win a prize.
"Messy baby! Wear this bib until this game is over"
"Mommy has just informed daddy that her water broke. Daddy's first words are________?" (this can be quite funny if daddy is known to say silly things)
Passing instructions. Be as creative as you want with this. Some ideas are, pass the gift to:
some one wearing a blue shirt/ glasses/ socks/ earrings ect.
someone who has most recently had a baby
someone who has the most children
someone who has the most daughters (or sons)
three passes to you left
three passes to you right
pass to the person directly across from you
some one who either has all girls or all boys
someone who is an aunty
someone who is a grandmother
someone with blonde hairsomeone wearing pinksomeone who is not related
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