Three Great New Games
The Price is Right
Materials: Baby products, index cards, pens and paper for each baby shower guest
Like the game show, purchase 10 different baby items (i.e., baby shampoo, soap, bib, lotion, rattle, pampers). On index cards, write the price of each baby shower item and then randomly place the index cards in front of all of the items. Write a letter next to the price of each item and then have your baby shower guests guess by writing down the item that corresponds to the price. Each guest will write their answer on a piece of paper. The baby shower guest with the most correct corresponding prices wins a prize!
How Well Do You Know The Mommy-To-Be
Materials: paper and pens for each baby shower guest, index cards
Have the baby shower planner find out as much about the mommy-to-be as a child and write the questions and answers on index cards. Questions can range from, "What was the mommy-to-be's favorite toy as a baby", favorite baby food, any allergies, favorite show as a baby, first crush, etc. The baby shower guest to get the most right wins a baby shower gift!
Baby Bottle Treasure Hunt
Materials: 2 Normal Baby Bottles, Rice to fill bottle, Little Related Baby Items Like a Q-tip, safety pin, a button, a penny, a hair clip, tiny foam cut outs, small toys, for a boy a tiny car, maybe for a girl shower, bow, a pinto bean, and pom-pom...anywhere from 10 to 15 trinkets, Paper, Pens
Get a standard baby bottles and gather small items for each bottle as mentioned above. Randomly place the treasures in each bottle, leaving a little room for shaking. Split the baby shower guests into two teams and give them 3 to 5 minutes to write down the objects they find in the bottle without opening it! The team with the most items written down wins! Thank you to Cindy for this great baby shower game idea!
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