Dress The Baby
Materials: Several rolls of toilet paper and a timer
Divide the baby shower guests into groups of 4-5 people. Each group selected one member of the group to be the "baby". The other members of the group dressed the "baby" in a bonnet and diaper out of nothing but toilet paper. The Mommy to be judged the best outfit! Very fun and silly baby shower game!
Take Care of Baby Egg
Materials: Hollowed Out Eggs or Easter Eggs, baby shower present, paper stuffed in one egg stating winner
Everyone gets an egg (the fillable plastic Easter ones) to take care of. If you leave your egg unattended, some other observant momma can adopt it, and likewise, if you see an unattended egg, you should do the right thing and adopt it. Whoever has the most eggs at a set time gets a prize. Rules: You are permitted to get a babysitter for your egg(s) when you go to the rest room or whatever, but make sure it is someone you trust not to neglect your egg(s). You are not allowed put your egg in a pocket or purse or otherwise hide it. Also, as an added surprise, unbeknownst to the guests, one egg had a little paper baby inside, and whoever had that won a prize.
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